Friday, December 22, 2006


What do you do when your best friend is ‘marrying’ his boyfriend and all the greeting cards on offer show pictures of a man and woman or discuss husbands and wives?

You have two options; firstly, you could cut out letters in a magazine and stick them on a piece of paper in the hope that your best friend will be so wrapped up in his day that he won’t notice your poor attempt to create clag and crayon based memories. Or, you could turn to the internet and commence your quest to find sophisticated and creative cards that cater for the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (GLBT) community.

The arrival of the internet has allowed consumers the ability to shop 24 hours a day (has it’s downsides considering that some of us are paid monthly! Argh!) and source the hard to find items such as GLBT friendly greeting cards.

So let’s recap, best friends wedding approaching, perfect gift has been sourced and option of purchasing a greeting card sounds far more enticing than the option of paper cuts, bad scissor usage and crayon smudges. Where to now? The internet of course, however punching in gay or lesbian cards into a search engine doesn’t usually return tasteful results, so I prefer to go straight to the horses mouth so to speak.

My favourite site is G2G Cards which is a new comer to the market but certainly not an underachiever with over 100 greeting card and post card designs to choose from, G2G Cards is a pot of gold for those of us looking to be the giver of sophisticated and funky cards that turn heads for all the right reasons.

The good thing about G2G Cards is that they are Australian owned and operated, and therefore no pesky currency conversion is required to work out what you are up for. Also, the arrival of your parcel is usually more punctual which is important if like me you tend to leave things to the last few days!

So next time you are on the net looking for GLBT greeting cards, bookmarks, post cards and more, why not suss out I promise, you won’t be disappointed.

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